Bouse Chamber of Commerce

Welcome to Bouse, Arizona

The Heart of La Paz County

Bouse Chamber of Commerce

(928) 851-2509

44362 E. Main Street, P. O. Box 817

Bouse, AZ 85325-0817

Sign in to Facebook first, then click above.
Bouse is in the middle of La Paz County in the Sonoran Desert of Arizona.    


“… It should be remembered that from October to the end of May the weather in the desert is what babies cry for and old, rich people pay large sums of money to obtain.”
Major - General George S. Patton, Jr. Cavalry Journal, 1942
The Bouse Assay Office and Museum A World War II tank on display in Bouse on Hwy 72
The historic Bouse Assay Office is now a museum and home of the Bouse Chamber of Commerce. Come visit us!

Camp Bouse, 25 miles north east of Bouse, hosted thousands of WWII troops who trained on a top secret tank weapon, a weapon designed to "change the course of the war."

B Mountain
Bouse with Haystack and Ibix peaks some 15 miles south.
B Mountain overlooks Bouse from the east.
Haystack Mountain and Ibex Peak are 15 miles south of Bouse. Early day prospectors sought gold in them thar hills.
Plomosa Road goes over Quinn Pass between Hwy 95 and Hwy 72 Tank Park in Bouse on Hwy 72
Scenic Plomosa Road from AZ Highway 95 to Bouse is a wonderful drive. There are remnants of much mining exploration in the hills, intaglios, military camp remnants...and more!

Visit the WWII tank display and

9th Tank Group memorial on

Highway 72 at Plomosa Road in Bouse.

Bouse wash is usually bone-dry. The No Fishing sign must be ADoT's idea of a joke.
Bouse Wash running. Note the blue sky -- it rained miles south of Bouse, water accumulated, and WHOOSH!

Links to more La Paz County areas:

Arizona Outback Parker Area Tourism Parker Chamber of Commerce
Brenda Hope Salome
Cibolla Ehrenberg Swansea
Wenden Alamo Lake

 photos © Cate Mueller 2007 - 2013

Web page © Cate Mueller for the Bouse Chamber of Commerce 2007 - 2013

Last Update: September 18, 2017

Website questions? Click here to e-mail Cate.

Bouse is an unusually friendly community where almost everyone is named Pat or Donna. This is very convenient if you're prone to forgetting names!